
deposit savings

  • Used primarily for safekeeping of funds and evidenced by a passbook
  • Initial deposit of P1,000.00
deposit savings
deposit time

deposit time

  • Minimum placement of P10,000.00
  • Minimum term of 30 days
  • Interest rate is higher than savings deposit

deposit time plus

  • A long term time deposit with an interest rate twice the existing rate of regular time deposit at the time of placement.
  • Minimum Amount: P100,000.00
  • Term of Placement: 5 years
deposit suresave
deposit checking

deposit checking

  • Used by individuals or enterprises to support their personal or business requirements; included in Manila clearing
  • May be Direct or 2-in-1 Checking Accounts
  • Initial cash deposit of P5,000.00 for Direct and P10,000.00 for 2-in-1
deposit bibo kid
  • Savings Account for Children ages 7 to 12 evidenced by passbook
  • Minimum placement of 100.00
bibo kid savers
deposit basic savings

deposit basic savings

  • A savings account for all individuals whose total asset size falls under Micro with no existing deposit account yet in BK.
  • Initial Deposit P50.00

Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P1 Million per depositor.

General Terms & Conditions for Deposits


Any Person at least seven (7) years of age and not suffering from any legal disability other than minority may open a personal savings account with the Bank. Parents and guardians may open an account for their children or ward, as the case may be, subject to the conditions set forth in the Terms and Conditions Governing Deposit Accounts signed by them during account opening. A Savings account may be opened by an individual, singly or by two (2) or more persons jointly, who is /are free from any legal disability subject to the Bank’s account requirements. The account may also be opened by a juridical entity in the name of a corporation, partnership, associations and other juridical entities provided all documents/requirements are submitted and complied with. The initial deposit, minimum balance requirement to operate the account and to earn interest shall be set by the Bank.

Price Transparency

mf transparency sealBangko Kabayan received the official Seal of Transparency as a symbol of its commitment to fair and transparent pricing.

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Consumer Protection

consumer protectionAs a consumer of our financial products and services, we aim to provide you with the highest quality of service possible.

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NPC Seal of Registration

consumer protectionBangko Kabayan has been granted the NPC Seal of Registration in recognition of the successful registration of its DPO and DPS.

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